Fifty-four young people hid God's Word in their hearts and demonstrated great skill as they competed in a unique national event! We are thankful for your efforts and know the Lord will use this work in your life for years to come. We are proud of your performance! Click here to congratulate our winners! Awards will be mailed out within the next 2 weeks!
FAQ Hybrid Bible Quiz
March 6-13, 2021
The Hybrid Bible Quiz will take place Saturday, March 13, 2021 from 9 am till noon*. Why the asterisks? Read on, there is some flexibility built in!
Churches have the option to quiz as early as March 6, 2021, including quizzing during the club night. However, all quiz responses are due by 11 am GMT -6 (Central) on March 13. Most US churches in Central and Eastern time zones will quiz on March 13. However, churches in GMT - 7, (Mountain) -8 (Pacific), -9 (Alaska) and -10 (Hawaii-Aleutian) will want to quiz either on March 6 or mid-week. Churches in Europe can easily quiz on March 13, but also have the same flexible format.
How it works!
Some churches are meeting in person. Some churches are meeting virtually. Some have developed innovative ways to combine the two. How do we organize an event that brings people together when we are asked to establish physical distance between people?
Multiply Ministries comes alongside churches to equip them in developing disciple-makers. Therefore, as a means to support churches who are reaching children and youth through Awana, we have developed a hybrid system for a Bible Quiz.
When a church registers to participate in our Hybrid Bible Quiz, their clubbers and youth will be invited to quiz on stage, in their own church, with their family and friends gathered together to cheer them on! However, instead of 500 people from across the region squeezing together in pews, there is more room for the families and friends of your Awana families to gather, with six or more feet of space all around them. The Hybrid Bible Quiz also allows for churches who would ordinarily pile into vans and travel to a quiz to avoid the tight quarters of the church bus.
Quiz questions will be provided to the church by March 5, midnight GMT -6 (US Central time). Each church will provide a reader for the questions, and a score keeper for each team. At the end of the round, the score keeper, or another appointed volunteer, will enter the responses of the team into our online data base before 11 am. These responses will be auto graded. We will rank the teams according to their scores, and announce the winners by 11:30 am. The teams in the top 10% of each category will recieve a medal, which will be mailed to the church to award.
Each registered church will be provided a digital kit with study guides, volunteer job descriptions, quiz questions, a video for the gospel presentation, and a video for the offering designed to support that church's Awana missionary. The digital kit will also include program samples, editable digital slides, and ideas such as how to create quizzing paddles and dry erase boards.
What is covered?
T&T - Grace in Action
Units 1 and 2. Quizzers should study the "Memorize" verses, definitions, the unit title, and printed text from the "Explore" sections. Questions will not come from answers clubbers must provide, the graphic novel portion, the Go portion, or the Gold or Silver portion.
Trek - His Story Lessons 1.1-2.7
Quizzers should study the "Key Verse," "Key Thought," "Key Word," and text in the "Memorize This" portions. Quizzers should study the terms in the Glossary portion of units 1 and 2 in the back of the book. Quizzers should also know which key verse is associated with the Bible book for the reading plan / Bible summaries. These are listed in the back of the His Story book. The following books may be part of the quiz.: John, Hebrews, Matthew, Romans, 1 Peter, 2 Peter. According to the Awana website. Quiz questions will not come from the Bible summaries themselves. Quiz questions will not come from the "Work It Out" sections, nor will they come from the devotional text that precedes each "Memorize This" portion.
Journey - Disciples Lessons 1.1-4.4
Quizzers should study the "Core Verse," "Core Concepts," "and the text printed in the lesson. Questions will not come from the "Watch This Video,"or the "Day 1 - Day 5" questions. Quizzers should also know the author, date and theme for the books listed in the back of the Disciples book (Genesis, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel, Zephaniah, Zechariah) according to the Awana website.
No questions will come from entrance booklets.
Quiz Format
Each quiz event will include 10 Multiple Choice (A, B, or C) questions, followed by 10 Team Huddle (short answer) questions. Details regarding how responses are given and the points awarded will be provided in the digital package after registration. The digital package will also include suggestions and ideas to assist with Covid-19 restrictions, graphics for promotion, a volunteer guide, and ideas for how to make quizzing paddles.
Quiz questions, plus videos for the gospel message and offering will be available on February 27, 2020.
The Quiz Reader will read a question, and the team will have a set time to select their answers, and then respond. A recorder will document their exact answers, which will later be entered into the website. This can be done with a smart phone, tablet or computer. The software will automatically grade the responses and a team of volunteers will rank and certify the scores. The top 10% of each level will receive 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place medals. Ties are not broken.
Sample Questions
Multiple Choice
"Which term from Psalm 119:160 means "lasts, doesn't stop"?
A) continues B) endures C) everlasting
"What is the reference for the verse that contains the phrase "holy, holy, holy"?
Answer: Revelation 4:8b
Multiple Choice
"What key thought do we learn from Genesis 1:27?"
A) We are made in God's image. B) God saw all that He made and it was good. C) God gave Adam and Eve boundaries, and He gives you and me boundaries as well.
"What key thought do we learn from Genesis 1:27?"
Answer: We are made in God's image.
Multiple Choice
Which book of the Bible was written by Moses between 1450 and 1410 BC with the theme "The second giving of the law."
A) Genesis B) Exodus C) Deuteronomy
Give the reference for the passage that contains the Lord's Prayer.
Answer: Matthew 6:9-13
Team Costs
The cost to register for the Hybrid Bible Quiz is $15 per team.
Each team may have 1-3 quizzers in the same book.
Quiz Resources
The video above answers the most frequently asked questions about the quiz. Here are some ideas and resources that may help even more!
PowerPoint Slides
We have created some slides that you may use for promotional, or training purposes, or for use on the day of the event. These have editable features. If you have a specific need for a slide or social media post, please let us know and we would be happy to help!
Quiz Materials for Registered Churches
Score Sheets, Quiz Questions, Gospel Video, Offering Video, and
Quiz Questions and submission link will be emailed to each registered church.